Welcome to Followers of Christ Lutheran Church of Plainfield, Illinois!
Inviting, caring, and serving together to make Christ known.
From the Pastor
Followers of Christ began as a mission development congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America in 2004. I’ve been grateful to serve as the pastor here since 2017. Prior to my call to serve Followers of Christ, I served Peace Lutheran Church in the Quad Cities area of western Illinois for 3.5 years. I am a graduate of Valparaiso University in Indiana and Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota. My wife, Jula, is staying home with our son, Robby (age 7), and daughter, Natalie (age 4). Jula worked as a maternal child health nurse and is currently a part-time self-employed lactation consultant as well. Our family resides in Oswego, Illinois, right next door to Plainfield.
As we say in one of our creeds (our statement of faith), Followers of Christ Lutheran Church belongs to the one holy catholic and apostolic Church. As people who seek to follow Jesus together, we grow in our relationship with God and we grow in our relationships with one another. Each Sunday we gather around the good news of God’s Word, read and proclaimed. We share in the presence of Christ as we receive the bread and wine during Holy Communion. We sing hymns and songs, both old and new. We pray. We confess our sins, and receive the forgiveness that God promises in Jesus. We welcome visitors, and we receive new members. We celebrate baptisms. We are gathered and sent under the promise of God’s unconditional love in Jesus Christ.
After worship, we enjoy coffee and treats and conversation with one another. We participate in Sunday school and Bible studies for children and adults. The Bible studies and Sunday school classes help us to grow in our love for God and to deepen our understanding of the Christian faith. Within these classes and discussions, we also share our own personal joys and sorrows. These relationships – with God and with one another – are at the heart of who we are and what we do. I am privileged to be a part of it. And I invite you to be too.
In Christ,
Pastor Brad

Come Worship with Us!
In-person and online worship each Sunday at 9:00am Central Time.
The service is streamed and recorded on the church Facebook page.
Visit us on Facebook at Followers of Christ Lutheran Church!
The Family of God

Where to Find Us and How to Reach Us
Contact Us:
Followers of Christ Lutheran Church